How Long Does an Alopecia Areata’s Episode Last?

ii can do
3 min readDec 9, 2022

Alopecia areata is the name of a condition where hair starts to fall out. Usually, it starts on one side of the head and gradually spreads to the other side of head.
There are two kinds of alopecia Alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. Alopecia totalis means that there is no hair on the scalp. Alopecia Universalis means that there is hair everywhere except the scalp.

Alopecia areata is caused by stress, illness, or other factors. The cause of this disease is not known, but it is related to autoimmune diseases such as lupus and diabetes.

The following are some first symptoms of alopecia areata:

  • Patchy hair loss on your body is called alopecia.
  • Hair loss on only one part of your body is called (partial alopecia).

The length of time you have alopecia depends on how severe your case is. In mild cases, hair grows back within 6 months. If the hair does not grow back within 12 months, you should see a doctor about it.

In more severe cases, the hair falls out permanently. This kind of alopecia is called permanent alopecia. If you notice any changes in your hair, contact your dermatologist immediately.

How long does alopecia areata take until it goes away?

It depends on how much hair you have left when you start losing it. If you only lose a few hairs at first, your hair will grow back in about six months. But if you lose more than 50 percent of your body hair, it may take longer. For example, if you lose 100 hairs, your hair will probably grow back within 6–12 months, but if you lose 1000 hairs, you may have 2 years before your hair grows back. It may take up to.

The most typical kind of alopecia is called “alopecia areata”. “Alopecia areata” causes baldness on the scalp. Hair falls out because immune cells attack the hair follicle. In some cases, these attacks permanently damage the follicle.

Another type of alopecia is called “cicatricial alopecia,” which refers to scarring. Cicatricial alopecias include:

  • Alopecia X — This is a form of cicatricial alopecia that affects pregnant women.
  • Androgenetic alopecia — This is a genetic disorder. It is caused by changes in the genes that control hair growth.
  • Telogen effluvium — This is a temporary condition brought on by hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or other conditions.

Most people do not know about this disease until they develop the disease and their hair falls out.

How long does an Alopecia Areata episode last?

Alopecia Areata usually lasts 3–6 months. For this reason, it may take longer to get rid of all your hair loss. The length of time depends on how severe your illness is, whether you have other medical conditions or if you smoke.

Alopecia areata cannot accurately time episodes. However, with proper care, these episodes will go away. Here are some tips to treat alopecia areata so that it doesn’t come back.

  • Avoid stress — Stress can cause hair loss. So try to avoid stress.
  • Get enough rest — Make sure you get enough sleep every night.
  • Take care of yourself — Eat properly and exercise regularly.
  • Use Sunscreen — Protect your skin from sunburn and use a high SPF sunscreen.
  • Use a wig — If you like wearing a wig, wear one! A wig is perfect for covering up thinning hair.
  • Using hair products with minoxidil — Minoxidil is a drug used to treat male pattern baldness. It functions by stimulating hair follicles to produce new hair.
  • Using a shampoo with minoxidil in it — Using a shampoo with minoxidil helps prevent further hair loss.
  • Use a moisturizer — Moisturizing lotions help keep your skin healthy and soft and fresh.
  • Don’t use a razor — Don’t shave your head, eyebrows, or pubic area using a razor. These sections are thinner than other hairs. Also, don’t use a blow dryer — drying your hair too often can cause frizz and breakage.


Alopecia areata is a very common problem. Most people experience only one or two episodes of hair loss during their lifetime. There are also some people who suffer from recurring episodes of hair loss. Typically, these episodes continue 3 to six 6. However, you can get help from some therapies.



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